A control is a visible widget with a DOM element in a fixed position on the screen. They can involve user input (buttons), or be informational only; the position is determined using CSS. B y default these are placed in the container with CSS class name ol-overlaycontainer-stopevent, but can use any outside DOM element.
- Bar
- Button
- CanvasAttribution
- CanvasScaleLine
- CanvasTitle
- Compass
- Disable
- Gauge
- GeoBookmark
- GeolocationBar
- Globe
- Graticule
- GridReference
- LayerPopup
- LayerSwitcher
- LayerSwitcherImage
- Overlay
- Overview
- Permalink
- Profil
- RoutingGeoportail
- Scale
- Search
- SearchBAN
- SearchDFCI
- SearchFeature
- SearchGeoportail
- SearchGeoportailParcelle
- SearchJSON
- SearchNominatim
- SearchPhoton
- Swipe
- Target
- TextButton
- Toggle