Cool extensions for OpenLayers (ol/ol3/ol4).
ol-ext is a set of extensions, controls, interactions to use with Openlayers.
Check out online examples.
The example page is the best way to have a quick look at all the library.
ol extension
- all extensions: list of all classes
- base: base extensions
- Map: adds methods to the map
- layer: usefull methods attached to layers
- source: new sources (DBPedia, hexagonal binning, georeferenced images, ...)
- controls: adds new controls (tool bars, Graticule, LayerSwitcher, Search, Profil, ...)
- style: a set of style functions to style features on the maps (charts symbols, FillPattern, FontSymbol, Photo, TextPath, ...)
- filter: filters to apply on layers (Colorize, Crop, Mask, ...)
- featureAnimation: animates features on the map.
Please use the GitHub issue tracker for all bugs and feature requests. Before creating a new issue, do a quick search to see if the problem has been reported already.
Building the documentation:
The documentation use gulp-jsdoc3 to create the doc.
- install the gulp-jsdoc3 project at the root directory:
npm install gulp-jsdoc3
- then run the gulp command to create the doc in the doc/doc-pages directory:
gulp doc
ol-ext is licenced under the French Opensource BSD compatible CeCILL-B FREE SOFTWARE LICENSE.
(c) 2016-2017 - Jean-Marc Viglino